Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Best Time To Get Pregnant

Important Things To Know For The Best Time To Get Pregnant.

First things first, if you are not trying to conceive, don't have sex without protection. Though there are certain days in your cycle when you can conceive more quickly. There are no ‘cannot get pregnant’ days.

Better be safe than sorry!

Now, let’s find out when is the best time to get pregnant.

1. Track your cycle. 
The first thing you need to do is track your cycle. A normal menstrual cycle can be as short as 22 days and as long as 36 days. So, follow your cycles for a few months to make sure.

2. It’s time to find the time when you are the most fertile and that is during ovulation.

3. If you are using an ovulation predictor kit, then start having sex when you are about the ovulate.
You can note that you are the most fertile two days before and three days after ovulation.

4. Start having sex ever alternate day from day 9th till day 17th if you have a standard 28-day cycle.

5. Keep a close eye on ovulation symptoms like stretchy cervical mucus if you have irregular cycles.

6. You can also use a basal thermometer to track your ovulation.

7. If all this seems too complicated, simply have sex three times a week, you cannot go wrong with that.

Well, now you know how and when to have sex if you are trying to conceive. A woman is most likely to get pregnant when she has intercourse regularly. Also, sex for pleasure and enjoy those moments. Do not make the process too mechanical. You and your partner need to relax and be stress-free.

We hope you will be successful in your pregnancy plan soon.

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