Saturday, November 3, 2018

10 Reasons Why You Can Not Get Pregnant

Why I Can Not Get Pregnant? - Read Carefully 10 Reasons Why You Can Not Get Pregnant

Why can not I get pregnant? Well, I can give you at least 10 common reasons to answer this question. I also hope that these issues do not reflect the feeling of being desperate enough, after the long struggle to get pregnant and have the results yet.
10 Reasons Why You Can Not Get Pregnant
There is always a chance and the proper way to do it. It is a matter of time.

Reason # 1 - not enough sex

You can join the group of young professionals and Couples who are too preoccupied with your daily personal and focus on your career. You can be caught in a situation where you are too tired and out of mood to have sex. If you have sex once a week, it does not seem enough.

Reason # 2 - Sex wrong time

You're probably not aware that the best time to have sex when ovulation. At this point, the egg (ovum) is ready to meet the winner of the sperm and fertilizes your spouse. Try to have a sex session, a week before and after ovulation, all other days will be perfect.

Reason # 3 - Smoking habit

Are you aware that a cigarette contains about 4,000 of hazardous substances, which are considered carcinogenic (causes cancer)? Smokers tend to reduce fertility and may be dangerous to the baby. Try hard to quit. In addition, a male, smoking will lower his sperm count.

Reason # 4 - Alcohol

If you or your partner to drink more than four units per week, you can be an alcoholic. This method can reduce the chances of getting pregnant with a third. This is because you lose your appetite and lose energy at the end. Try hard to get you and your spouse the right to life back on track and healthy.

Reason # 5 - Poor diet

A balanced diet does not always mean cutting all your favorite foods and implementing a strict schedule of eating, but could just eat moderate amounts, too. Vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements to support your healthy pregnancy.

Reason # 6 - Weight without control

Are you in the group of obese or overweight? Bring your attention to its normal level is very important because obesity reduces the chances of getting pregnant. Obesity tends to affect the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and unpredictable.

It's the same with low birth weight, where there is a trend of loss of appetite which can cause failure of the energy needed to sustain a normal pregnancy. Ask your doctor to help you control your weight.

Reason # 7 - Too much caffeine

Drink a cup of coffee or tea a day will go well. But more than that. Caffeine tends to decrease fertility in women and lower sperm count in men. Caffeine is also known to make babies with low birth weight and increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Just play it safe, the official daily maximum recommended by the FDA is 200 mg during pregnancy.

Reason # 8 - No Exercises

Many people simply ignore the profit or loss for any reason. The most important advantage of year to get pregnant is that you will be in perfect condition for the quality sex more often. But no more than exercise, which could be harmful to your body and ruin the whole plan to become pregnant.

Reason # 9 - Strong obsession to get pregnant

You can be so happy to be pregnant, may become an obsession. It is not good. The highest occupied the greater concern that fail to meet your expectations will be felt. Finally, it will put you in a state of severe stress.

Stress can cause irregular periods and can affect ovulation process. It will also affect your relationship with your partner, which is an obstacle to sex.

Reason # 10 - The presence of possible infertility problems

In women, there are two conditions that make it difficult to promote a normal pregnancy, which is Endometrioisis and polycystic ovarian disease, while men are the problem of fertility is the most common inadequate sperm quality .

This completes the top 10 reasons why you can not get pregnant. Participation in these questions can give you a valid plan for pregnancy. Ask your doctor to help you.

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